A Cosmic Epiphany

Free Verse

Amisha Singh
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image Credits: Rosie Sun

Lost in the magical valley of Parvati,
I was found by a star in disguise.
Elevating my sense of consciousness,
To a realm beyond science.
It was 12-midnight,
The full moon shone bright,
The seconds felt like hours,
Distorted was the sense of time.

Lost in the valley,
All alone,
With the river gushing beside,
I felt a presence behind.
A presence that disturbed me,
Disturbed me with joy,
The presence of a higher power,
Of a sense sublime.

Was it to be feared?
When it was only a reflection,
A reflection of my consciousness.
Creeping up on me,
Coercing my ego self to face i
Face those parts of myself,
Parts that I ran from,
Parts I had buried deep behind,
Deep in the shadows of my mind.

The presence,
Like a guiding force,
Pushing me,
To leap back in,
Pushing me,



Amisha Singh
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

🇮🇳 ॐ | Digital Marketing Specialist👩🏼‍💻| Ex Journo - The Tatva India | But first a believer, mystic muser, and a writer. | Check out my Lists for more!