Holiday Memory | Lifestyle

A Holiday Memory That Always Brings a Smile to My Face

But hey, ’tis the season for trying new things, right?

Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Originally published at for non medium member

Let me take you down memory lane to a holiday that’s forever etched in my mind, like a feel-good movie I can replay whenever I need a pick-me-up.

Picture this: a cozy winter evening, a crackling fireplace, and the intoxicating aroma of cinnamon wafting through the air.

Ah, yes, it’s the holiday season.

It was a few years back, and my family decided to do something different for Christmas.

Instead of the usual hustle and bustle of city life, we packed our bags and ventured into the snowy embrace of a quaint mountain cabin.

Now, you have to understand, we’re not exactly an outdoorsy bunch.

We’re more of a Netflix-and-chill kind of crew.

But hey, ’tis the season for trying new things, right?

Image created with Canva

The cabin was straight out of a postcard, surrounded by towering pine trees laden with snow, and the only sounds were the occasional chirping of birds and the distant crunch of snow underfoot.

It was serene, like stepping into a snow globe where time moved a little slower, and worries seemed to fade away with each snowflake that gently kissed the ground.

Image by prostooleh on Freepik

Now, the highlight of this holiday adventure was our attempt at building a snowman.

Mind you, we’re not artists, and our attempts at creating a snow masterpiece usually ended up looking like a lopsided blob.

But that didn’t dampen our spirits.

We rolled and stacked those snowballs with the determination of kids in a candy store.

As we adorned our creation with a mismatched assortment of scarves and hats — some of which were borrowed from unsuspecting family members — it took on a personality of its own.

We named him Frosty Jr., a nod to the classic snowman from the holiday stories of our childhood.

The laughter echoed through the crisp mountain air as we posed for pictures with Frosty Jr.

Our fingers were numb, and our cheeks were rosy from the cold, but in that moment, everything felt just right.

It wasn’t about the perfectly decorated tree or the extravagant gifts.

It was about the shared laughter, the imperfect snowman, and the warmth of family on a chilly winter day.

Image from Canva

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of pink and orange across the snowy landscape, we huddled together, sipping hot cocoa and sharing stories around the fire.

The flickering flames danced to the rhythm of our laughter, creating a soundtrack to a holiday memory that would forever bring a smile to my face.

In the grand scheme of things, it might not have been the most extravagant holiday we’ve had, but it was the simplicity, the togetherness, and the joy in those little moments that made it truly special.

Every year, when the holiday season rolls around, I can’t help but recall that snowy evening, the birth of Frosty Jr., and the warmth that comes from embracing the simple pleasures of life.

Ah, sweet memories — they have a way of making even the coldest days feel a little warmer.

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