A Letter from Your Sleep

The Essentialist
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
5 min readJun 15, 2021

To Humans
Address: Across all seven continents
The World, 2021

From Sleep
Address: Your Conscious mind

Photo by Andrew Dunstan on Unsplash

Dear Shitty Ignorant Consumer of mine,

I bet you haven’t expected this, just like your last night dreams.

I am an essential part of your lifestyle. I am one of the few common things between all the living species. I am the uniting factor. I am what you need the most at the end of the day. I am what you depend upon eventually. Breathing is my best friend since we complement each other.

And I am Disappointed. Actually, we both are. Breathing will talk to you in a separate letter.

How long will you take me for granted? How long will I be the first to be thrown out of the window as soon as you find the opportunity? How long will you remain ignorant about my importance? How long will you value all things above me? How long I will be subdued beneath everyone in the priority triangle? How long will I be put on the balancing beam of choices and how long will I be compromised?

Let me talk to you in a language you will listen to. Science. You see multiple studies have been done on me, just to reduce my value to a definite number. From the United States to Europe to China, everywhere humans are scratching their heads to get that one good number that they can show to all the world in which they want to confide me in. The funny part is most of them are doing it throughout the day, ignoring me while studying about my importance. Dumb Idiots.

Anyways, they came to a common conclusion, that an average human should sleep more than 7 hours every day. And you know what, if you even take 7 hours of unhindered sleep, then also I am satisfied. Obviously, you value me much less than that. Some people value me for 5 hours in the name of ‘Hustling’. Others even less in the name of ‘Working for something bigger than themselves.’ Then comes the ultimate ones, who completely reduce me to 0, in the name of ‘following their passions’ and ‘doing what they want, changing the world.

Do you really want me to list how I affect you? I am that part of your lifestyle on which, your other essential parts depend upon. I am the Balancing force between all the chaos of your life. I am the one whose absence will disturb the equilibrium. Without me, you might introduce anarchy in your life. I am the one who pacifies the entropy of your life. I calm your emotions, and above that, I make sure that you are ready to use the most powerful tool on the planet, The Mind when you are done with me.

I am your watchman. I monitor the activities of your body. I make sure all the essential processes are taken place at the appropriate time. I keep the energy level in check. I am the thread that binds the other things together.

I am the one who provides you with Dreams. I agree they are a blend of uncertain possibilities most of the time, but you guys do go out there to fulfil them right? I am the anvil that provides the foundation for that.

I am your Ultimate Power Bank. And I don’t cost you anything extra. I make sure you have the energy to survive the next day. I keep a check on your blood flow and biological processes. I make sure the aspects of your mind like creativity, curiosity, desires, enthusiasm, all remain charged. Hell, I make sure you remain recharged to practice all these.

Fun fact, unlike you who want to replace silence with noise, I do this without disturbing you.

I had a good relationship with time. I still do, but you guys made sure we divide, just like the British Colonial Monopoly. You divided us when you made us stand on the opposite side of choices, something which wasn’t meant to by nature. And most of you choose my friend over me, Time. Hey, I am not Jealous, because you don’t even respect time as much.

Well you don’t need to tell me what will happen if you ignore me for long, do you? A generation has done the same and now they are reaping their fruits. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the 19th century(Yes I do have a clock and calendar, but unfortunately no time machine). Back then, people, even scientists like Edison and Tesla never compromised me over other things.
Oh! people were smart back then, actually smart.

The new generation, regardless of how many milestones they have achieved and how much money they can make, is even more ignorant, that too mindfully. They have given themselves every good reason to trade me off. All thanks to their parents who have provided them by providing all the technology at an inappropriate age, an age when they are most vulnerable to create bad habits, of AVOIDING ME.

Well Let me get this straight, Avoiding me will only increase your problem.

You will realise it when I won’t be directly accessible to you when you will have to take pills to call me. Oh yes! You thought only you can be stubborn? Watch me. You will realise it when the inadequate amount will hinder the balance in all other things. You will realise it when you won’t feel fully charged. When you will feel lost. When the energy from your body will start draining more rapidly. And right when you will look for a plugin, I won’t be available. Oh yeah!

Ask the patients with Insomnia how badly they want me.

You should learn from other living species, animals and plants. Even though I am unable to find a lot of these species thanks to your idea of ‘Development’. That’s why I wrote this letter to everyone, who knows which species become extinct tomorrow because I can see you guys are mindfully ignorant about the environment as well. For Centuries your inability to differentiate between what’s your desire and what’s your need is costing the lives of everyone around. Just because God has made you the most powerful, doesn’t mean you have to become the selfish one.

On a side note, even Elon, the most amazing genius on the planet right now take appropriate sleep. ( You think only you have good connections?). I know he had been nerdy in the past, completely taking me for a ride, not giving a fuck about me. I wrote a similar letter to him (a bit personal). If he can understand, what the hell is stopping you?

I am a need, not a choice and I am well aware of how terrible you all are to not see the difference between the two. You better not trade me with your frivolous things or the compound effect of your ignorance on me will be…

Well, let’s just say the same if you continue degrading this beautiful world…


You have been Warned.

