A life Sentence of Absolute Love and Abundance: The Ultimate Desire of Human Evolution

If you’re reading this, you have just been given a life sentence of absolute love and abundance.

Saja Fendél
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
6 min readSep 30, 2022


Created in Midjourney, directed by me.

I’m not really interested in sharing what is known and already known. But neither am I here to attempt to share something new.

I’m writing this to bring light to the unseen, ultimate importance. The most overlooked thing in existence other than consciousness itself. The height of human evolution.

Above all things seen and unseen, there is a simple knowledge that provides the stage for the ultimate show to take place. The simple knowledge of the ultimate desire.

The ultimate desire is not really desire in as much as it is the suns desire to gravitate things towards it. It is its nature. It’s what it does simply because it exists.

And likewise, this ultimate desire is the same. It’s the gravity of our essential being. It is the desire from which we derive all other desires.

They originate from this desire and are all attempts to move towards this essence.

Our usual desires are the sub-movements, the micro-movements that are gradually nudging us back towards the source of this fundamental desire.

Of course, they are nothing but expressions of this desire. They are the ultimate desire taking the form of limited and seemingly distinct activities and experiences.

For a moment, just process what it would mean if there really was one absolute desire that was expressing itself in all of our day-to-day thoughts, words, and activities.

It would mean that if humans are evolving, they would be evolving not towards something, but as something.

It would mean that human evolution is not a point in time, but a place in Being.

It would mean that once this desire has been met, life would never be the same again.

It would mean that at the very moment of recognising what this ultimate desire is, you are already at the result of its attainment.

How? Because in order to be truly efficient and practical about anything, we need to understand the goal so we know when it’s met.

So ask yourself, what would life be like if I was truly conscious of the reason behind every decision I’ve ever made?

Because when the ultimate desire is seen clearly, we recognise the goal of our entire life experience.

However, allow me this concession. This is half of the goal. The second half, even more simple, is also recognised at the very moment we see the first desire, and the rest of our lives become the living expression of the first desire fulfilled. — Which expresses itself as the second desire, or we could say, the outward expression of the ultimate desire fulfilled.

That is to say, the form that the experience of the ultimate desire, the ultimate point of human evolution takes, by nature of living it.

At that point, if you understand the profundity of this absolute simplicity without overlooking it, there is no turning back from it.

The reason what I’m about to share here is so overlooked is because it genuinely takes a clarity so delicate not to see through the eyes of other thoughts or ideas, or simply because we still believe in its opposite.

The Ultimate Desire.

The ultimate desire, that which all other thoughts, activities and relationships are predicated upon, is for you, that which is alive, to experience your own aliveness.

We usually call this “feeling alive”. But the universal term could be said to be the word Happiness.

We could say then, for the sake of language, Happiness itself is the highest point of evolution for the human experience.

For the human being within time and space, its highest point of evolution is the full recognition of its timeless and pristine essence.

Happiness is the place in which we desire nothing else because there truly is no other desire other than to be exactly that.

To simply be alive, unrestricted by the resistance of life.

There is no more desired experience than happiness.

However, It’s the deeper reason why happiness is the most important desire that we truly see the essence of Happiness.

See this, it’s not because happiness is a pleasant feeling and what we just like to feel good. —

Happiness is not a feeling, a state or an emotion. It is the name we give to the disappearance of that which was covering the light of our pure alive being. Hence why — in these moments — we feel truly alive.

It’s because happiness itself is the name we give the nature of our natural condition.

When that which is alive, experiences its own aliveness.

Like an elastic band that desires to come back to its original shape when it is stretched, so too do we desire to come back to our natural condition when we have moved away from it.

That natural gravitation is this ultimate desire that expresses itself in every decision we make.

Happiness needs to be understood as a negative.

In the same way we use the word “hole”.

We aren’t really pointing toward an object called a “hole” we are talking about the very fact there is nothing there. The part of the wall that is not there, is the hole.

Likewise, Happiness is the word we use to point toward what isn’t there.

And what isn’t there at that moment? Resistance. What is resistance? Resistance is the activity of the belief that we do not exist.

We could say — more accurately — that it is the belief that we are something that does not exist.

We could also say, that it is the belief that we are a body or a mind.

Now, I won’t even ask if you claim to be alive and real, it is the only self-evident fact that we can claim about our experience, or ever could claim.

If we admit to be real, if we claim to exist, then that existence can not be anything other than ultimately real.

If it is true that you are ultimately real, you can not be anything other than that which is the source of reality.

There can only be one reality. And it must be real. That reality must be the source of everything else. Therefore it must not be limited by anything.

If there is anything real at all, it must be the source of, all other things. There can’t be an infinite amount of real things that exist independently of each other. — Simply because there isn’t enough room for more than one infinite reality.

Understanding what Real is.

Something that depends on something else to exist can not exist in its own right.

For instance, the wind has reality, relative to the air. The true reality of the wind is air.

A wave also has a reality, relative to the ocean. The reality of the wave is the ocean.

Last night’s dream had a reality, relative to your mind.

Notice these things solely depend on something else for their apparent existence.

If something can come and go, it must find its existence within a greater reality that it “comes and goes” within. That reality must be what is real and truly exists.

If we believe that being alive is limited and dependent on something else, namely a body


We could call it The Science of Happiness.

There are two laws to the science of happiness.

First Law;

Find it.

Second Law;

Share it.

All the Love and Wonder,


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Saja Fendél
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Deepen your intimacy and romance with life. Writer of pathways to unconditional happiness, the nature of reality and the essence of perennial philosophy.