A Mindful Brain

Mindfulness And The Shape Of Your Brain

Laura Vismara
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash

You carry within yourself approximately three pounds of pure, infinite potential.

It’s your brain.

Your brain is not static. It’s plastic. It’s relentlessly learning, evolving, and redesigning itself. It’s a work in progress.

As you are.

And, as one of the most fascinating, sophisticated, and probably less known objects in the known universe, it’s unique to you.

No two brains are alike. Your brain is your brain. It’s being constantly molded and shaped by what you experience, be it real or imagined. It responds to your circumstances and your environment.

It responds to your life, to what you think and how you think, to the beliefs you hold, and the story you tell. And it does so in a very distinctive way.

It is shaped by who you are.

And it shapes who you are.


By rewiring and unwiring its own circuits, forging and refining neural connections as you live and learn and develop new skills. And by weakening and pruning away pathways that are no longer needed and may no longer serve you.

