A Powerful Tao Te Ching Quote With Meditation Advice You Can Use

Let these wise words lead you to inner peace

Gary Buzzard
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Yaniv Cohen on Unsplash

Tao Te Ching is a classic manual on the art of living. It’s not a “how-to” meditation manual.

But I find many of Tao Te Ching’s eighty-one verses are inspirational when applied to meditation. This one succinctly describes what to do when you meditate and the ultimate goal of meditation.

Verse 16 From Tao Te Ching

Empty your mind
of all thoughts.
Let your heart be at peace.

Emptying your mind of all thoughts is a tall order for most meditators. It’s futile to TRY to do it. But if you meditate every day without a goal, one day, you’ll find your mind is calm and untroubled during meditation.

How does that happen?

If you were a super advanced meditator, you’d be able to sit with an empty mind.

You could sit for an hour without a thought or worry. You’d get up every morning from your meditation refreshed, clear-minded, and ready to meet your day with a peaceful heart and few, if any, worries.

Meditation would be so important to you that you’d never miss a day. Would you like to get to that point in your…



Gary Buzzard
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I write two times a week on meditation, mindfulness, and aging gracefully—on accepting life, not fighting it. You may email me at gary@20-MinuteVacation.com.