A Prominent Neuroscientist’s Simple, Sensible Remedy for Anxiety

It comes down to basic mindfulness.

David Gerken
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

I listened to a great interview last week that Tami Simon, founder of Soundstrue.com, conducted with renowned neuroscientist Dr. Judson Brewer. The topic was Dr. Jud’s (what people call him) research on unwinding anxiety. I highly recommend giving it a listen. Here’s the link.

Anxiety is a massive, complex topic. Sadly, it’s also all too prevalent in our go, go, go society of today.

Adults. Kids. Teenagers. People in their 20s. It seems no group is immune from the ravages of anxiety.

My battles with anxiety

I had some awful bouts with it in my younger days and I can say from experience that the psychic and physical pain anxiety inflicts can be unbearable. One episode in college forced me to go on several runs a day of many miles for multiple days just to tire myself out and keep the anxiety partially at bay.

I’m not an expert on all the treatments. Medication, therapy, exercise, meditation, or some combination thereof, would likely be the main ones.

But Dr. Jud’s approach resonated with me. Not surprisingly, the idea at the heart of it is mindfulness.

The anxiety habit loop



David Gerken
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Meditation and Mindfulness teacher. Dad of three precious kids. Former writer for THE WEST WING. Follow me at davidgerken.net.