A Sensual Exploration

5 ways to enhance or disturb your connection to your sense of Ease.


Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Have you ever noticed how certain scents can instantly transport you to a different time or place?
How about the way in which a certain taste elicits certain emotions and memories?

Isn’t it amazing how our senses connect us to our environment and ourselves?

Here is a simple exercise that will please your soul and bring a good dose of Ease into your world ~ Receiving a flower via your five senses.

Nose -> To Smell a Flower

You may be aware that your perception and mood vary according to the fragrances your nose encounters. All without having ever used aromatherapy as a treatment modality. Remember, for example, the last time you encountered the offensive smell of sewage. Did your body contract as a result?

Now, enjoy the aroma of a flower and note if it moves you to a more relaxed state. Can this fragrance be enough to help dissolve tension and restore?

Tongue -> To Taste a Flower

In tasting a nasturtium (edible flower — image above), you may detect its pungency, astringency, saltiness, sourness, bitterness, and even sweetness. Ayurveda teaches that each taste uniquely affects our philology and…



Christianne Asper-Contant
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Good to be here exchanging a few ideas in your company. On my end, this will mostly come from my background as a Clinical Ayurveda Specialist and Yoga Teacher.