A Strong Sign of Whether a Relationship Is Healthy

This goes for romances, friendship, and family relationships

Brooke Meredith
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


image by Anastasia Vityukov from Unsplash.com

Imagine you’ve been hanging out with a new prospective friend or potential romantic partner, and you notice that over several instances of spending time together, you know a lot about this person.

The details of their past relationships, their trauma(s), their pet peeves, their life dreams, the drama with their roommate, their health issues, the things they love, the things that are a bummer in their life, the struggles with their family, etc, etc. They seem eager to tell you everything about themselves, almost itching to unload.

And you realize that in comparison, they know far less about you.

You know the specifics of their childhood.

But they know few or none of yours.

You know in-depth details about their dating life.

And maybe they know a bit about yours, but not nearly as much.

You know all about their work schedule and the generalities of their job, but they know hardly any or even none about yours.

You know books they love, their favorite foods, some of their daily habits or indulgences, their values, etc. And they might know a few of these things…

