A Visit to the Museum

Day #28: 100 Happy Days

Purvee Chauhan
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image credts: Author’s own collage

When I first visited the US, my sister encouraged me to visit the Museum of Modern Arts (MoMA) in New York City. Unfortunately, I couldn’t. It was a tightly packed trip and I was too hesitant of traveling alone. I couldn’t visit it in my next trip, and in fact, not even in the three years of now living in this country. I missed chance after chance, but the intent of visiting it remained. Guess what, I could make it this time (dances in excitement!) and everything about it was gorgeous. I had finally made it for my first-ever museum visit*!

Situated in the heart of NYC, MoMA is one of the most popular contemporary art museums in the world. It is a host to a large collection of masterpieces including the works of Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, and Henri Rousseau. When I entered the museum, to be honest, I felt lost — I didn’t know how to navigate and just walked across the floor like a headless chicken.

After minutes of trying to understand where I was, my husband (favorite company ever) pointed me to the famous The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. The supporting audio of the painting helped me understand the context, various interpretations, and in fact, feelings of people who had previously studied the painting. The painting spoke of clairvoyance and turmoil at the same time. Then, I saw Les



Purvee Chauhan
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. ~ The Little Prince