A World Beyond Thought: The Science and Spirituality of Thought

Where Do Automatic Thoughts Come From, And Are They All True?


Photograph by Pixabay on Pexels

Over the years as I’ve progressed in my own personal growth, one thing has become strikingly clear to me: there is so much more beyond the stories we tell ourselves.

I use to be someone who was wrapped up in their thinking mind most of the day. Regretting the past, worrying about the future, cliticizing myself and believing I was a “bad person”. Subsequently, I was anxious, depressed, and compulsively searching for ways to make myself feel better (often outside myself).

As much as I’d have liked to think I had free will, I did not. I was ruled by the stories of my conditioned past, and they directed how I felt and where I went.

Until the pain reached a point where I had to wake up.

Whilst the voice in our head is our voice, the stories told are rarely true reflections of who we are and even IF they are, they are only a part of the puzzle. Many times in mistaking our thoughts to be true, we leave ourselves vulnerable to the past and hand over the reigns to our future.

I’ve been reading Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth recently and in it he says the following on thought…

“The greater part of…



Joe Gibson, Above The Middle
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Your path to authentic love and secure relationships starts here. Above The Middle, a blog by me, Joe Gibson.