All Young Men Should Use Their Unfair Advantage

Agash Arulanantham
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readMar 11, 2022

In your mind I want you to think of two of your strongest traits right now…

if you’ve just struggled to come up with 2 traits, I do believe that trying to identify these traits would be worth your time and by the end of this story, you can walk away with actionable steps on how to find those

Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash

So for myself, I can confidently say my two biggest strengths are my:

Self-Discipline and Intelligence

One is genetic and the other was built through grit and perseverance I’m so grateful for these two traits that I have as I realise, I have the ability to use what I learn into action in the real world

You may be sitting there thinking: “But I don’t have anything that I’m good at…”

But trust me when I say every one of us has an Unfair Advantage, whether that is genetically given or built up through experience and it is in your best interest to need to lean into it, as it will only make your life easier!

But for us Young Guys in our late teens and 20s specifically we all have One Unfair Advantage that we can use to our advantage…

This is the fact that society doesn’t really value us

Initially, that probably sounds quite bad BUT I’m about to tell you why that is a GOOD thing as you’re not expected to have everything figured out yet

Naturally, a lot of us from the age the ripe age of 18 starts off as skinny-fat, awkward guys addicted to the internet with no real wealth or assets to our name

Think of yourself as a Video Game character starting at level 0 who has the POTENTIAL to level up significantly if you can identify your Unfair Advantage and work on the right things for a good amount of time

This is a GOLDEN Period where you can focus on building yourself up and experiencing parts of life, whilst having minimal responsibilities/liabilities to go with it

Unfortunately, Social Media has made it seem like everyone has their stuff sorted out when in reality this isn’t necessarily the case for the large majority

Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

Social Media has also allowed social comparison at a scale that has never been seen before which is a leading factor as to why young guys feel this anxiety. Unfortunately, we end up using escapism of Internet Addictions of Porn, Binge-watching YouTube and Video Games as a temporary escape from reality, procrastinating and doing the work

Because of this, we have a generation of Young Guys with untapped potential to achieve excellence

So, the main question is how you find your Unfair Advantage:

  1. Take the 16 Personality Test

So, from taking this test my personality is an INTJ and you want to specifically go to the Strengths and Weaknesses section

From here identify which characteristics align with you and feel free to OWN those characteristics and think how you can start leaning into those traits in your day to day life

For instance, I have built up a good level of self-discipline from working out consistently and going through a body transformation as somebody who was never really into fitness in the past

2. Past Wins

Everyone has a past win no matter how small it was. So for me, I was a pretty smart kid when it came to academics BUT I was always horrible in Sport

So I knew from a young age Intelligence and the ability to soak information and connect the dots was something that I’ve always had a talent for

Now I am using that to articulate my thoughts into cohesive stories that you’re reading right now and hopefully, this information helps you out in your life

3. Ask 5 Closest Friends/Family

Usually, others see unique characteristics in you that you may shrug off as it being not that great

And make sure to ask people that you trust as they will give you their honest view in terms of what they think you’re good at

I hope this was helpful to you



Agash Arulanantham
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Helping Young Men on their Self-Improvement Journey regarding Positive Masculinity, Human Psychology and Philosophy