Am I Healthy Because of My Gratitude for My Health?

Does Gratitude Pay Dividends?

Shayne Seymour
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


I’m a pretty healthy human. I often wonder why. I live right alongside some people who don’t enjoy good health. I’ve always assumed it was the care I take, but I wonder if gratitude deserves part of the credit.

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

I’ve Always Been Health Conscious

I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t health conscious. I didn’t always live my conscious. I’m a frequent backslider. I haven’t always employed good data. Yep, I even embraced and lived that horrible fat-free movement in the 90s. I’m all over this Good Fat Movement we all enjoy now. You know that’s right!

You might say I’m hyper-aware of health. Obvious things like baggy eyes are all that grab my attention, I notice the red and yellow that should be white. That’s is likely Charlie Sheen’s fault.

You have the whitest white-part-of-the-eyes I’ve ever seen. Do you floss?
- Topper Harley, “Hot Shots!”

Yes, I floss. I might miss four nights per year. “Might,” I say.

I notice baggy and blood-shot eyes, replies that have nothing to do with the question and see the soda cans and candy wrappers. I hear the fear, anger and frustration. I…



Shayne Seymour
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Happiness is my superpower. Travel, Gratitude and Mindfulness are my Infinity Stones. Humor is my Patronus.