An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away, Especially if You Throw It at Him/Her Hard Enough

Guillermo Vidal
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readOct 21, 2019


by Guillermo Vidal | Oct 7, 2019 | Aging Successfully, Focus on Living, Life, Life Lessons, Self Fulfillment, Spirituality, Uncategorized

Ok, maybe my headline is a little over the top, but I know we all have a love hate relationship with our doctors. Like it or not, they are the ultimate bearers of bad news. More than likely they will be the ones who tell us we are going to die someday. My purpose is to get you to divert your attention to this important message; we should focus our lives on living, not on dying.

A visit to my doctor

As our society recommends, I went to the doctor for my yearly physical. While he poked around with his cold stethoscope listening to my heart, he informed me he could hear a heart murmur.

Other doctors in the past had informed me that my heart skips a beat now and again (sort of like how I skip beats in salsa dancing), but I could not remember being told before that I had a murmur. When I stated this was the first time this had shown up in a physical, my doctor looked worried and ordered his assistant to schedule an echogram of my heart ASAP.

Listening to bad health news really sucks



Guillermo Vidal
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Author/Mentor/Septuagenerian. Showing you how to age better to create your best life. Follow me on YouTube@agingfearlessly-gvidal2917 and