An Uncomfortable Truth from Benjamin Franklin That Completely Changed How I Approach Life

14 words that will chill you to the core — in the best kind of way

Andy Murphy
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

In my early twenties, I led volunteer expeditions around the remote islands of Fiji. We taught in schools, built community halls, played sports, and lived in the homes of Fijian families.

There was no electricity, no running water, and no toilet facilities. Life was lived by the rise and fall of the sun, catching fish in the ocean, farming, playing music, and sharing stories.

It was simple and profoundly moving.

My leadership team was made up of myself, a friend from the UK, and two Fijian men who were versed in Fijian culture and customs.

After 6 months and three incredible tours together, my time had come to an end. There was a calling from deep inside my soul that said it was time for me to move on, even though I didn’t understand why or know where I was going.

Before I left, my friend from the UK and I reflected on all the ups and downs we experienced together. We laughed, cried, and reminisced. We hugged, joked, and said our goodbyes.

Then he said something that took me by surprise. “This will be as good as it gets for me. It…

