An Underrated Trick to Supercharge Your Productivity

Apply it and see your productivity soar

Kristina Segarra
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Bram Naus on Unsplash

Have you been feeling unproductive lately?

Are you dreading to get started on a project you’ve been putting off?

Just thinking about it makes your brain fizzle out. Ouch!

It’s not the end of the world, and you can trick your brain into actually wanting to dive into work.

Applying this easy and powerful brain hack can make a world of difference in your life.

The secret is in the rewards.

A famous Russian psychologist Pavlov trained his dogs to react to rewards through unconditional response. And the best part? It works for humans too! You can train your brain the same way by associating work with pleasure.

The idea is to teach your brain to look forward to work by making it more enjoyable. When your brain anticipates a reward, it releases dopamine — a natural motivation booster. It’s all about setting a system of rewards and turning your work into a series of enjoyable experiences. Rewards work in the same way for a child who’s anticipating a cookie or candy after they complete their homework.

How to set up the system of rewards



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