An Unforgettable Encounter

Hirdesh Matta
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readJun 19, 2023
Photo by Hirdesh Matta

As we explored the San Diego County Fair this past weekend, little did we know that we would run into a remarkable elderly couple that would shift our perspective on life.

Amidst the crowd, rides, and overstimulating environment, we were enlightened by a conversation with an 80-year-old woman and her 90-year-old husband.

It piqued our interest to see a couple close to 50–60 years older than us, enjoying life without a care in the world, which juxtaposed what we see with much of the older generation.

“What’s your secret?” said one of our friends.

The couple laughed, but without realizing it, they shared many insights on how to live during our brief conversation.

Lesson 1: Embrace the Power of Motion

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” — John F. Kennedy

I have seen far too many old people retire and find a couch. They don’t move like they used to, so like anything that isn’t used, their muscles start to atrophy.

This 80-year-old woman’s vitality and energy were a testament to how she lived her life. By exercising 20 minutes per day, she was able to keep active and improve her overall well-being.

In today’s age, everyone has gotten so sedentary that even a little bit of motion can keep the blood flowing in your joints.

Lesson 2: Relish Every Moment in Life

“Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are.” — Muhammad Ali

Retirement often leaves individuals feeling adrift, devoid of the purpose they once experience at work. However, this couple had discovered the secret to continue living life enthusiastically.

They were happy to be alive and enjoying every day. They came to the fair to get some quality time with each other before celebrating their son’s birthday at a concert that evening.

Imagine that, an elderly couple with more of a packed schedule than many people in their 20s and 30s. This proves that it’s not really a matter of how old you are, but how old you feel.

Lesson 3: Maintain a Spirit of Curiosity

“Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.” — Bryant McGill

When you are around a toddler, it’s amazing to see how much fascination they have with everything. Playing with a balloon can bring countless hours of joy. Flicking the light switch on and off provides endless entertainment.

The smallest things and newest discoveries leave children wide-eyed. But, as we get older, we lose the ability to see the magic in simple things. But not this couple.

At the fair, they had typical unique food offerings, and I ordered a Hot Cheetos Chicken Sandwich.

The elderly woman was so intrigued by the sandwich, asking countless questions about what Hot Cheetos were, and even trying one of the chips. Seeing her eyes light up, just like a kid does when they discover something new, was not only heartwarming but showed the importance of keeping an open mind throughout life.

That youthful exuberance, that curiosity, that desire to try new things is what keeps you young at heart.

Lesson 4: Acknowledge the past, but make the most of the future

It is never too late to be what you might have been.” — George Eliot

As we dove deeper into the couple’s story, we discovered that they were both on their second marriage and had been together for 24 years. They said since they were going through marriage a second time, they knew they had to make it right.

They didn’t let their past relationships define them and they made the most out of their second chance at love.

Every relationship doesn’t last forever. Every friend is not lifelong. Every opportunity doesn’t go your way. And that’s ok.

Acknowledge the past, learn what you can from it, and move forward. You only have this one chance at life, so make the most of it.



Hirdesh Matta
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Author — Tommy the G.O.A.T & Nat Your Average Underdog Story, Real Estate Investor. Management Consultant. Learn more at