And Then Your Innermost Thoughts Will Be Laid Open

Let us think ahead.

Hannes Grauweihler
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Strelitzia [image by author]

I want to talk to you about your mind. You use it to think mostly, would you not agree? You think, make decisions, play movies of the past or make movies of the future, filled with hope or anxiety, whichever you prefer. And then there is a whole bunch of stuff you don’t even necessarily know is going on.

Do you still remember that one day?

You were 6 years and 57 days old

You were on holiday with your parents. It was a late afternoon, and you walked through a park, your mother taking you by the hand. Next to you was a stretch of flowers, Strelitzia, in blossom, and you could smell them all over. You did not know that the smell came from the flowers, but you noticed it.

As you let go of your mother’s hand, you ran along the path in front of your parents to get closer to those magnificent flowers. You enjoyed some lemon bonbon as you ran towards the flowers, the sweet-sour taste filling your mouth.

You ran towards the flowers to smell them. As you turned back, you noticed your parents had started fighting for some reason. They raised their voices, and it created a stark discomfort within you. Was it because of you? Was it because you ran away? Why were they fighting? You did not…



Hannes Grauweihler
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Surfing, Finance, Career, Startups, Venture-Capital and some other things I got to experience.