Are Limiting Beliefs Keeping You Stuck?

Most of us have them, but the good news is we can change them.

Wendy Tomlinson
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

What are limiting beliefs?

Limiting beliefs are any beliefs that don’t help you to be the person you want to be or create the life you want for yourself.

A few examples of limiting beliefs.

  • I’m not enough. Or, I’m not good enough to be successful at that.
  • It’s just my luck that something will go wrong (I hear this all the time. The belief is that they are an unlucky person)
  • I’m not old enough… I’m not pretty enough…. I’m too old… I don’t have the right education, I don’t come from the right place…

The list goes on and on.

Think about something that you want that you don’t have. Now examine your beliefs about having that thing. Do you notice any beliefs that could be blocking you?

Where do limiting beliefs come from?

We all collect beliefs from the moment we’re born.

Some beliefs are helpful and support us and some are unhelpful and block us. Most of us have a mix of both.

Some of us pick up a lot of limiting beliefs in a certain area of life. For me, I had…



Wendy Tomlinson
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Mindset Coach - Law of Attraction, EFT, Affirmations, Goals and more. A real person hoping to make your day a little better.