Are We All Racists?

Take a minute to check yourself

Evans Okoro
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
2 min readDec 11, 2021


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

To an extent, we all are. No matter our color, gender, ideology, or age, we all favor our kind more than the other kind.

And even if you think you’re not, you must have worked extra hard to change this thing in you because, as humans, this is our way.

We do this to try to protect ourselves. No matter how advanced we think, we are. We still form affinity based on familiarity.

It might no longer be about race or tribe, but there’s division in political choices, ideology, mindset, lifestyle, intellect, etc.

For example, if there’s an outrage on Twitter regarding a particular issue, the people who feel the most outraged by it feel an affinity for each other. They form a class and see their oppressors or even the other people who didn’t speak up as enemies who deserve less.

It’s deep rooted in us.

Feminists naturally feel drawn to other feminists. Intellectuals feel drawn to other Intellectuals. Even the Bible says you shouldn’t be unequally yoked with unbelievers.

All of these is to try to protect yourself. It all boils down to security.

And I feel like this is what drove racism. For the white man, his skin color was his flag, and anyone who had a different skin color deserved less.

Behaving like this makes you no different from racists and segregationists.

Obviously, you can’t relate with everyone the same way because of our differences. The problem arises when you treat people without love because they’re different from you.

I’m working hard to learn this, and change this in myself. You should too.

This is how we can make the world a bit better for the next person.

