Messing up My Life Made Me More Likeable

I stopped trying to be perfect and started showing up as the messy, flawed person I am

Carly Barrett
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Nick Page on Unsplash

That’s it, I thought. That’s the secret to becoming more likeable.

My eyes were closed, and my mind was in that place between waking and sleep when I shot straight up in bed.

Through my tired haze, one line of the audiobook playing in the background stood out to me:

“We lie about who we are because we know that societal mores do not have room for that person. That is the “nobody.” That is the person whom we doubt others will like and accept.” — Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

I paused the audiobook to think. I could feel my mind working in overdrive, trying to make the connection that lay just out of reach.

Most of us lead two lives — the person we present to the world and who we become when no one’s watching.

In Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Joe had been talking about the gap that exists between who we are privately and who we present to the world. Joe says we keep our dark feelings like shame, jealousy, anger, entitlement, and hurt locked up away from the public eye. We conceal our…



Carly Barrett
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Copywriter. Cat + Dog Mum. Goal Digger. Introvert. Chronically Evolving.