Being A Massage Therapist in the Time of Covid19

When a common story became all too real.

MaryRose Denton
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

My story is not unusual right now. Yet, in my telling it I hope to lend my voice to the conversation and perhaps it will have a small amount of power to evoke change. With over 12,000 massage therapists in my state, we are left to grapple with the question, “Do I stay, or do I go?

Being a massage therapist in the time of Covid19

At the beginning of February, I celebrated my birthday with my family and as I always do, I reflected on the year past as well as the one to come. I was full of hope, feeling grounded and comfortable in my own skin. I never would have conceived what the next few weeks would bring to our world or the impact on my profession as a massage therapist.

Stories were beginning to reach the news of the widespread Covid19 outbreak in China and in late January there had been one reported case in my home state of Washington. But that was an isolated case, right? Where someone had traveled back from China? How very little we understood the far-reaching impact this virus would have on each, and every one of our lives.

By late February, as cases grew, it became common to go to a doctor’s appointment, the dentist, or chiropractor and be “screened” with…



MaryRose Denton
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Writer/Speaker/Advocate, Come join me as I make a life by doing something with total love & pure soul. or