Being Love in Action

How to Cultivate Bodhichitta

John Driggs
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Elyse Turton on Unsplash

You are a miracle. Don’t think so? Point to something more miraculous, more awe-inspiring, more marvelous, than you, than your existence.

Yet, if you’re anything like me, this miraculous occasion, which we call life, is too easily and too often — in fact habitually — squandered in trivial pursuits. We compare, scrutinize, and pity ourselves and others. We gossip and fill the uncomfortable silence with our pointless words. We dwell not in gratitude for our existence but rather spend our life wishing for a better one — for a better house, a new car, bigger boobs, more fame, or whatever other silly things we humans pursue.

Your life, though, is certainly not the time, stage, or arena for self-pity or even complacency. You have this one opportunity, this one miracle. So, live it now. Stop waiting. Free yourself from sorrow’s mighty grip. Put down the burdens and weight of self-concern. And, instead, give freely your boundless Love, that all-encompassing embrace which is yours to give.

Be Love, unencumbered.

The Bodhisattva | A symbol for those on The path

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