Brain Must-Knows: The Default Mode Network

Is This Our Source Of Overthinking?


Photograph by Faik Akmd on Pexels

Learning more about brain anatomy was a game-changer when it came to improving my mental health and navigating life.

Moment-to-moment, day to day, and year to year, the machine with which we navigate life with is our brain. It’s the thing that allows us to think; it supports our bad habits and simultaneously helps us overcome them. As much as it can help us, it can also lead us astray. Which is why understanding it’s different parts and their functions can help us.

And yet, many of us are undereducated on how it works. Walking in the dark, wondering why we do what we do or how we can overcome a particular problem, not realising that the answer can be found within.

This isn’t to say we must know everything about our brains, mind you. That is an impossible task and something neuroscience is still trying to achieve. The brain houses approximately 100 billion neurons that communicate with one another via an array of pathways and chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) with extremely complex interactions. It’s no easy feet to understand it.

That being said, neuroscience has come a long way and behavioural scientists are now beginning to understand with increased depth the relationship between our brain and us.



Joe Gibson, Above The Middle
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Your path to authentic love and secure relationships starts here. Above The Middle, a blog by me, Joe Gibson.