Breaking Free from the Past Can Change Your Life

The moment you let go is the moment you grow

Kristina Segarra
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Fabio Comparelli on Unsplash

When you’re young, you tend to go with the flow and fit in with everyone else. But as you get older, that more mature part of you screams in protest, saying, “Hey, maybe let’s do things our own way.”

The older I’ve become, the more I’ve come to realize this truth.

How we perceive ourselves is largely influenced by our memories, our past experiences, and our interactions with people from our past. Combined, they affect our choices and the decisions we make in the present.

Many of us are still living in our past lives. Physically we are here, but not in our minds. In many ways, the past has molded us into who we are and how we see ourselves today.

The past experiences can be stuck deep inside and weigh you down. And what’s worse, even if you’re no longer who you were in the past, the memories from your past life seem to surface once in a while and haunt you like a ghost.

Maybe it’s failures from the past, or negative or emotionally traumatizing experiences holding you back from living in the present. Or maybe you hate your present so much that the nostalgia for your past keeps you coming back to it.



Kristina Segarra
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Freelance health/wellness/self-improvement writer, musician, mom of two boys. Join my newsletter: