Calming the Anxious Mind in Uncertain Times

Regain control of your mind with these simple practices.

Danielle Ratliff
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Is your brain jumping from one anxious thought to the next, cycling through stressors, fears, and worries? You aren’t alone. Uncertain times are taking a toll on our mental health. As of April 2021, the National Center for Health Statistics and US Census Bureau estimate 27.3% of US adults report anxiety symptoms. This number is up significantly from 8.1% in 2019.

Now there’s a gas shortage, a mad scramble to fill up our tanks. Will we be stuck at home again, unable to go to work? Will Amazon and Instacart drivers have gas to deliver groceries and supplies? These are valid concerns. But worrying over things we can’t control only makes us feel worse.

So, what’s an anxious human to do? There is no magic fix for anxiety, of course. Therapy with a licensed counselor or mental health professional can provide a safe environment for untangling overwhelming thoughts. Medications can be helpful in some cases. We can also calm our minds with simple practices like the ones below:

Write your thoughts down; no filtering allowed.

Acknowledge your anxious thoughts through writing. Set a timer for at least ten minutes. Let the thoughts flow directly from your…



Danielle Ratliff
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I take the stress out of marketing so conscious entrepreneurs can empower clients and discover the joys of work-life balance.