Can You Fit Healing Into Your Life?

“Getting Sick Really Got Me To Stop”

Christy Waltz
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


A friend of mine I’ll call John has been seriously ill for several weeks, possibly with colon cancer.

Last year was busy for John as he prepared for the addition of a new baby to his family while working full time and simultaneously overseeing several construction projects on his land. His illness could no doubt be viewed as bad timing.

But then, when is it ever the “right” time to be sick?

I paid John a short visit yesterday. He ticked off some of the things he’s been doing as part of his holistic healing journey. Among them, a juice fast, a cleanse, and adding probiotics to his diet.

As we talked, I got a strong sense that John is on his way to a full recovery. Is that because I believe John has hit on just the right combination of remedies needed to cure him? Not really.

While I do trust that the perfect remedies are arriving as needed, the reason I have confidence that John will make a full recovery is because of something else he said:

“Getting sick really got me to stop.”

That may sound like a simple statement of fact. But I knew exactly what John meant, probably because I have the same tendency he does to go, go…



Christy Waltz
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Watching life unfold in amused bewilderment. Exploring how to be truly free. Author of Notes to Self: Meditations on Being.