Christianity Is Not a Religion; It’s a Relationship

A personal testimony of a divine encounter in a bookstore

Lisa Bradburn
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Decorative lantern with blurred bookshelf and unrecognisable people in the background
Decorative lantern with blurred bookshelf | Image courtesy of Jacek Rogoz, Shutterstock

In 2024, I aim to emerge from the shadows and share my testimony with the Christian faith. Why now? The world needs more light, hope, and love than ever before. Like an energy source, can't you feel there is an evil current coursing through society, one that used to be covert and is now overt, on full display in front of our eyes and screens, infesting all facets of our lives — family, work, politics, social media, etc. In times of uncertainty, we must honor the art of hopeful storytelling, inspiring us to wake up daily with meaning and purpose in our hearts and minds.

Rather than writing a long-winded testimony, my goal is to provide short, impactful stories of the direct encounters I've experienced with Jesus Christ of Nazareth and how his grace and glory are interwoven throughout the tapestry of my life.

With each story, I desire to leave seeds to skeptics and unbelievers, to encourage others to reach out to Jesus when life becomes challenging — and mark my word: Western society will become more difficult in the coming years. We need each other. Let's start with the simple act of storytelling to welcome constructive dialogue for unification.



Lisa Bradburn
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Psychotherapist (RPQ) & Agile Coach at the intersection of technology, faith and the human condition. Let’s chat: