Cultivate Reverence

The Fundamental Mood for Spiritual Growth

John Driggs
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


@Jacksharp_Photography —

Reverence is a companion — a strong force — in our ascent to the heavens. It continually raises us to higher states of being. Have you ever stood under the Milky Way, sat in a holy place, or been graced by the presence of someone whose wisdom and being you venerate? Have you ever felt awe, humility, or the attitude of devotion toward something much bigger than yourself, which inspired you to seek truth, wisdom, or understanding?

All inner development starts from this basic mood of the soul — the feeling that we have much to learn from the world, from life, love, and experience. To grow, it is important you acquire or cultivate this mood or attitude to seek in all things, in all experiences, that which arouses awe, admiration, and respect.

The Practice — Cultivating Reverence

This practice — this cultivation of reverence — should not remain simply an outer rule of life but must take hold of the innermost part of your soul. It is not enough to show this respect outwardly in your relations with others and with the world. You must hold this respect and veneration in and toward your thoughts.

I invite you to bring this feeling of reverence, devotion, and awe into your inner life — to your thoughts and feelings. Guard…

