Discipline First Before Becoming Exceptional

The blueprint

Evans Okoro
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
2 min readMar 8, 2021


Photo by Sam Moqadam on Unsplash

This should be something we all know because of how obvious it is. Getting better at anything demands that you discipline yourself in the learning process.

We look at people who have been there for decades and wake up one day and say we want to be as good as they are. Then, after 3 months, we get frustrated and quit.

Sometimes, I make the mistake of measuring my progress with people who are years ahead of me. Even though I know how wrong it is, something still pushes me to compare. And when I get out of the frenzy, I start to see how ridiculous my need to level up with these people (in such a short time)is.

These people have disciplined themselves over an extended period. Gotten various lessons at different points, and me, the bystander, seeing all of these cannot possibly reach that level in such a short period — I have to pay my dues. I have to be disciplined as they are, and were — to be able to be tagged as exceptional.

This message is something that if you leverage, you too can be tagged exceptional.

We often quit because we want to be exceptional from day one, but it never works that way — you should know this by now.

Sticking to it long enough is how you win. And we will all win if we can focus our discipline on the right things (This is another blog post entirely).

I’m going to say “thank you for reading” now because I feel like I’ve communicated the message.

