Do Heaven And Hell Really Exist?- Swedenborg’s Theory

What happens to us when we die?

Ethereal Being
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Lina White on Unsplash

There are a lot of undiscovered mysteries about life that we will probably never actually get a definite answer to while we’re in our physical bodies. One of these mysteries is where we go after we die. What do heaven and hell look like? Do they actually exist? How do I know if I’m going there or not? These are all questions that have passed through our heads at one point in life. Although we’ll never know until our time comes, there are many good theories out there.

One theory that I strongly believe in has been created by Emanuel Swedenborg who lived from 1688–1772. He experienced an intensely strong spiritual awakening in 1745 and from that point on documented every experience he had with the spiritual realm. Swedenborg’s theories consisted of the correspondence between the physical world and the spiritual world, the structure of heaven and hell and the lives of angels and devils, the interaction between the soul and body, and the interconnectedness of faith and charity. His theories align the most with my personal theories and also make the most sense in terms of spirituality and the laws of the universe which is why I believe it holds a lot of truth.

What Is Dying Like?

