Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

Do These Six Things if You Want to Live a Better Life

#5 Be around healthy & happy people.

Suzan Dalia
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Seth Doyle on Unsplash

“There is no happiness like that of being loved by your fellow creatures, and feeling that your presence is an addition to their comfort.” — Charlotte Bronte.

Life becomes meaningful when you are on the right path in life.

There is always something to improve in your life because we are all students of life. It’s never too late to improve your life for the better.

I know that Michelangelo once said, “I am still learning.” at the age of 87.

There are no excuses why it’s too late for you to improve your life. Tomorrow is always a new chance in life.

I would always try to find new ways to improve my life. While everyone is stuck on the same path for many years, I improve fast at the speed of light.

I am sure you change for the better at a rapid speed as well.

And it should be that way because life is constantly changing and evolving.

1# Find a Meaningful Purpose To Do Every Day.

Do your like reading books or simply writing whatever you want on Medium?

Continue to do that if it gives you purpose in life. No one can find your purpose in your life; only you can. It takes time, but you will find your passion one day.

You may have to go through a lot of failures in life before you find your passion in life. You know you have found your purpose in life when you experience the “Aha” moment (as Oprah would call it)

You will think, “Aha! This career feels right for me.” and “Aha! I had to experience failed relationships before I can find the right one.”

We are all good at something; we have to figure out what we are really good at. You’re not stupid if being a doctor is not for you, and you are not average if you prefer being a doctor to being an entrepreneur.

I mean, if you want to be a shoemaker, be the best shoemaker in the world.

What You Can Do.

  • Do you like playing guitar? Do it, even if everyone thinks you’re cringe. We are all imperfect anyway. Life is too short to never follow your purpose. Never be afraid to fail and make mistakes; that’s how you will find out what gives you the real purpose in life. If you’re a prayer, pray for some guidance towards your true passion in life.

2# Watch Less TV + Consume Less on Social Media.

The news tells you, “Look how awful everything is.” and social media tells you, “Look how ugly you really are.”

The truth is life is not always awful as the news makes it out to be, and social media has nothing to do with reality at all (if you use your common sense)

The negative sells more than positive news, and that is why you always hear about tragedies on the news daily. When it comes to social media, people only want to show the highlights of their life; it doesn’t mean their life is perfect.

You never really know what goes on behind the cameras.

I feel so much better after spending less time watching the TV… Actually, I don’t watch tv at all, and that has made my life so much better by not knowing what is constantly going on around the world.

Do you want to watch something specific? You can find it on YouTube, but you can’t select what you wanna watch on TV like you can with YouTube.

What You Can Do.

  • Social media gives you a short attention span (scroll to the next, next, and next!) This is a bad thing if you can’t see that, I feel sorry for you, but hey, you can always watch movies and read books to increase your attention span again. Use your free time to read books if you want to be smarter and get a longer attention span. All you really have to do is learn to control your consumption of technologies and spend more time going outside in a local park with your loved ones.

3# Listen To Your Own Body And What It Needs.

Your body is your temple, so treat it with love, compassion, and nurturing. Don’t eat more than your body can handle and consume now. If your body feels tired, take a break.

The more you eat, the more you will likely feel sick, wanting to throw up. If you overwork, your body will probably collapse or faint because you don’t give your body the rest it needs to function fully.

Saying no and setting boundaries is also a way of taking care of your body. If you constantly do what everyone tells you to do, and they make you feel like you are not good enough? Your body will be under stress and pressure.

The more you listen to your body, the s stronger your intuition becomes. Your body will slowly start to notice what feels right and wrong for you.

Your body is able to be calmer when you are surrounded by people who found peace in themselves.

What You Can Do.

  • Be aware of how your body responds to stress and exercise. Take a break if your body is being overworked. You can keep a journal or notebook to document how your body feels after doing certain things such as meditation, exercise, or being on a healthy diet. Don’t eat food you like; eat food your body needs to function fully.

4# Put Money In Your Monthly Saving.

If you can afford to buy dumb stuff you don’t need, you can afford to put money in your monthly savings.

This is thinking smart.

If you save $2 daily, you will have $744 after 12 months of monthly savings. Heck, even if you save $1 per day, you will have $372 in 12 months to the side. You should always think before you buy something.

It’s not really impossible to save money if you’re on a low wage and on a low budget. There is always a solution to the problem.

The first thing you should do after a payday is to pay your taxes and then put some money to the side, and then you can spend the rest of the funds on the important stuff.

What You Can Do.

  • How much? I don’t know. Only you know how much money you can put to the side every month. If you’re on a low budget, you can start with $50-$100.
  • $50 x 12 months = $600
    $100 x 12 months = $1200
  • Remember to pay all your debts first to eliminate the unnecessary stress you have right now. Stop using money on things you don’t need. Save money by unsubscribing to platforms that don’t give you assets, and quit smoking if you want to save more money.

5# Be Around Healthy & Happy People.

Having positive people helps us to lead a better life.

To become mature is to be selective about who you let in your life.

Let’s say you continue to be around angry and toxic people. In that case, you will have a mental breakdown and feel internally sick, making you feel confused in life.

You will feel less lonely and more understood when you have happy, empathic, and compassionate people. It’s better to be alone than to feel alone in a crowd of people who don’t understand you.

Sometimes it can help to be in a community of like-minded people who see the world the same way as you do. They will make you realize that you are not so crazy after all.

What You Can Do.

  • Just simply cut out those people who don’t want the best for you before you surround yourself with happy & healthy people. Be in a like-minded community that thinks the same way as you do. It helps you to feel less alone. Open up about your story; people will relate to you as they see themselves in you. Ask into people’s lives, and you will start a connection if they open up to you with reciprocated questions.

6# Stay Away From People Who Tell You What To Do.

There is a difference between conditional love vs. unconditional love.

Your loved ones who tell you what to do has expectations from you (conditional love/red flag), while your loved ones still love you if you make mistakes (unconditional love), but the truth is, you don’t owe anyone anything!

You should never be with people who command you to do 20 things in 20 minutes while devaluing your own decisions. You know yourself better than anyone, don’t let confused people guide you to the “right path” (according to them)

Never be guided by confused people with low self-esteem, or you will end up on the wrong path in life. Stick to who you are and never do something that makes you feel uncomfortable: If you do, you become very sick.

What You Can Do.

  • Cut those people off entirely if they don’t get it. Just say, “It was nice talking with you, but I have to go now.” — You show a sign of confidence and assertiveness. It’s a way of saying, “I am done listening to your BS.”

The Closing Statement.

There are so many ways to make your life better each day. It’s all about taking one day at a time and documenting what makes your life better or worse.

^ This is a great way of analyzing yourself and your own life by asking, “What makes me happy?” and “What makes my life better?”

You should definitely write a list of the things that improve your life for the better and a list of the things that makes you feel miserable in life.

Sometimes it’s the bad habits, and sometimes it’s the wrong people you surround yourself with: they are the worst private influencers in your life, so it’s time to unfollow them in the real world.

Making better choices in your life is also a form of self-love.

I’ll end this article with this amazing quote:

“It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.” — Charles Spurgeon.

