Do You Want to Feel Comfortable With Change?

How to stop change from feeling challenging.

Elaine Hilides
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Unsplash+ In collaboration with Getty Images

I’ve got some big changes coming up, and I’m fascinated by my thoughts and moods.

Mostly, I’m excited. Sometimes, I am wobbly scared.

What is the variable?

Always the things I’m thinking about.

When I focus on the endless admin involved with this change, I feel defeated, and my mood wriggles around my toes, but when I look at the possibilities and potential, I feel elated and uplifted.

And both of these moods happen as I sit on my sofa.

If your moods change as your thoughts change, what can you do to make change less challenging?

Change the Way You Think

Even if you want to, you can’t prevent change from happening. Change happens in the body constantly; your body ages whatever you do, our cells renew and replace, and hair and nails grow, so why do you accept change in some areas and fear it in others?

Could it be that even though you experience 60,000 to 100,000 thoughts every day or 6,000 thought worms, at least 90% of those thoughts are the same as the day before?



Elaine Hilides
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I can help you go from anxious to peaceful. Wellbeing coach for over a decade. Author, and International speaker, lives by the sea.