Do Zen Buddhists Pray? This One Does, Absolutely

Why does a Zen Buddhist pray, and to whom is he praying?

Gary Buzzard
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Young man embracing the rainforest standing in sunbeams illuminating the trees.
iStock Photo by swissmediavision

Zen has no religion, no God, no ceremonial rites, no heaven, no hell, no soul, no sin, and no prayer.

Yet I pray.

I pray when I’m troubled, anxious, worried, or fearful. (What a cosmic joke it was to find out I was praying to myself, Ha!) I don’t pray out of allegiance to a religion or because a priest, pastor, or Zen master told me to pray.

I’m not exactly sure why I pray — the impulse just rises in me, and I do it.

Many recovering Christians in the West were attracted to Buddhism because there was no creator God. I used to say Buddhism was one of the few religions that didn’t piss me off because of the No-God Clause.

Older and wiser now, I don’t have a problem with any religion, with or without God.

Many atheists who rail against Christianity target, The Old Man with a Beard Up in the Sky version. Richard Dawkins, biologist, author, and fervent atheist, used to travel around debating these literal believers. He was picking the low-hanging fruit so he could win. But religion, God, atheism, and Zen are complicated.



Gary Buzzard
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I write two times a week on meditation, mindfulness, and aging gracefully—on accepting life, not fighting it. You may email me at