Does a Future Proof Career even exist?

My mentor went through 5 careers, over a span of 48 years.

Change Your Mind Change Your Life


I have always been confused about what job security is. I mean, at a business, you’ll make four times your job in a year but with the risk of it getting irrelevant in the next year while your job might not.

I reached out to my mentor, who’s about the age of my grandfather. He’s been through a lot and has worked in innumerable industries over the years.

This is what I would summarise from the talk that we had.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Nowadays, there is no such thing as a safe and secure job. There are so many rapid changes happening in the economy. Developments in ai and automation and that the lifespans of people are getting longer and longer. These things combined can lead to a job landscape that will look very different in five ten-fifteen years from now.

Future-proofing your career means that you always shape your career to stay relevant and prepared for any of these changes.

Build up more than one income stream or multiple income streams.

Of course, some people would prefer to stick to one job and one career throughout their entire life. It might be the case that you love your job and the company you are…

