Don’t Just be Furious, be Curious

Or be MADD — Metaphysically Affirming Divine Details.

Marilyn Flower
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


If it weren’t for metaphysical principles and spiritual practices, where would I be?

No doubt curled up in my bed, curtains drawn, burrowing under covers, glued to the news on one of many electronic devices — and I do mean glued — downing bag after bag of Trader Joe’s trail mix. The cheapest one, but it has peanut butter and white chocolate chips!

I’d come up for air, but very little else. Oh, yes, and did I mention I’d probably be sucking my thumb and doing quite a bit of rocking.

Rocking is very soothing, it turns out. It’s one of the body exercises Dr. Resmaa Menakem mentions in his groundbreaking bestseller, My Grandmother’s Hands, Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies.

That, along with humming, chanting, self-massage, and singing, are great ways to release trauma and settle our bodies. African Americans have been using them as long as white supremacy created the need — if not longer.

So even in my infantile hide-out, I can’t help but use a practice designed to soothe and settle, helping me get back to a more functional self.

Yes, be furious; there’s a lot to be furious about.



Marilyn Flower
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?