Don’t Try to Change Yourself

Instead, only try to realize the truth. “There is no spoon”.

Nihan Kucukural
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Bent Spoon, Image generated on Freepik by author

Why didn’t I see this before?

I’ve experienced a few breakthroughs and major transformations in my life, and they all happened very quickly, like turning switches on and off. I didn’t have to go through weeks of hard work until my habits stuck.

They all felt similar, yet I didn’t grasp the pattern for a long time. Changing isn’t difficult once you are aware of the illusions!

My fears were unconscious decisions

One significant breakthrough was getting rid of my life-long fear of cats in my late 20s. When a friend challenged me, I decided to take a deep breath and allow his cat to scratch my arms.

The fear disappeared in an instant. I didn’t know how it happened and thought about that moment a lot for years.

My other big fear was driving. It was part of my identity all my life. But in New Zealand suburbs, I found that I couldn’t function as an adult if I resisted driving.

It was a major struggle. And one day, as I had an internal battle whether to drive or not, I had another breakthrough. There was a voice in my mind that actively sabotaged my attempts to drive. I was in a trap that I had created…



Nihan Kucukural
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Turkish copywriter and screenwriter based in New Zealand. I am addicted to stories. I write screenwriting/copywriting advice and occasional funny stuff.