
Nancy Mutisya
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readDec 17, 2023
iStockphoto by cyano66

I’m always fascinated by how the mind works. How does one organ determine almost life and death? The mysteries of God’s creation are always at the top of my mind. One of them is the mind. One thing I don’t like about it, though, is these nighttime occurrences that it builds called dreams — like the dreams and nightmares we have at night. I’ve always wondered why we have to dream at night. Why can’t I just sleep in peace and wake up the next morning?

I understand, from my little curious research about dreams, that these are images that our subconscious mind builds up from the realities of our lives. Lately, I was thinking heavily about something, and then, boom, it showed up in my dreams😂. It’s almost as if God was confirming to it or something. However, it’s essential to be knowledgeable about things; otherwise, we could end up being just other ignorant creatures occupying the planet. I was constantly thinking about it, so, of course, it was gonna show up in my dreams. No brainer.

On the other side, I don’t get where these random dreams come from. There are some that have absolutely nothing to do with my life. Like a cat chasing me at night is too random, honestly. Falling from a tree? I don’t even climb trees. What the hell? 😂 How did I end up on top of a tree with my fear of heights? There are times I get dreams, and I just wish I didn’t have to. I just want to sleep, that’s all.

“They say dreams come true but I have nightmares”, - Kanye West

Growing up, people used to have a lot of myths about dreams, like when having a bad dream, it’s God showing you something, blah blah blah. Not to misunderstand me, but I’m a firm believer in God using anything to speak to us, and dreams are not the only way. When you consider all the thoughts that our minds generate, it just makes sense that we would have random dreams. We’re talking about over 80,000 thoughts or so in a day! It’s like my subconscious mind just picked my fears and mixed them up with other thoughts to produce a nightmare 😏.

The mind is almost like a computer. What you give it, it processes and provides output. That’s why ‘garbage in, garbage out’ makes sense. There are days when you watch something, and then at night, it comes up in your dreams. This is why I can’t watch horror movies; there’s no way I’m doing that. It’s too much for my mind. I don’t understand how people can watch those things. Why would anyone expose their minds to such things? The irony is that we sometimes think being able to sit and watch horror for hours is a sign of strength 😂. There’s nothing strong about losing your cognitive ability to react to horrific events.

Now, most of us don’t know when we’re dreaming because it’s happening while we’re asleep. Some research points out to the fact that when we’re dreaming, the part of our brain that makes sense out of things actually shuts down; hence, why some dreams may take an insane trajectory. I was actually shocked a while back when one of my friends said that he knows when he’s dreaming. Like, yeah, as awkward as it sounded, it’s actually true that some people have that ability. It’s called lucid dreams.

I researched some fun facts about dreams and nightmares, so here are a few.

There are people who dream in black and white; that’s strange

You’re likely to dream with faces you’ve already met in your life; So essentially there’s no such thing as, oh!! I saw you in my dreams, that’s normal boy get over it.

Women are more likely to dream about celebrities; this is true.

Eating before bed increases chances of nightmares; don’t ask me how.

There are these dreams, and then there are the other ones — the achievements we want in our lives. Dream big, we say. What exactly were they thinking giving the word ‘dreams’ two definitions? I don’t want to dream when sleeping, but I actually have dreams that keep me excited during the day. Now, what’s that? I wish our dreams were actually about our future. It would have been so exciting going to bed early just so as to enter into my future world where my cats and dogs will each have a bed 😂.

The point of this article was really to intrigue you to be more curious about the trivial things in your life that are mostly overlooked. Like, have you ever thought about why you experience the dreams you do? Where do they come from? Why do we dream some nights, and on others, we literally drown in the night and oversleep? In this journey of me becoming self-aware, I’m realizing that the smallest things actually carry a lot of revelation about our deepest issues.

