Embrace The Beautiful Destruction

A part of your life needs to die so you can get to the next level.

Anthony V. Lombardo
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo Kelsier Van Hellsing via YouTube

Sometimes we are way too stubborn to notice the signs.

Every day in the most subtle ways the Universe is gently nudging us to grow and evolve.

When your boss assigns you the same stupid monotonous tasks that make you want to quit… the Universe is nudging.

When you scroll through social media and feel bad because everyone else is getting more likes and comments than you… the Universe is nudging.

When you keep having that same disagreement with your partner… the Universe is nudging.

Little reminders like these are sprinkled throughout our days but most of the time they go unnoticed or flat out ignored.

And when we keep letting them go by the wayside, over time, the Universe might just smack us on the back of the head to get us to wake up and address these issues.

This can come in the form of a major life crisis—and might be exactly what we need to stop being so stubborn and recognize the path of growth in front of us. Because let’s face it, you can do all the inner work and dedicate yourself to self-improvement, yet there will be destruction in your life.



Anthony V. Lombardo
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Anthony V. Lombardo is a meditation guide, explorer of consciousness, and digital consultant for Spiritual Entrepreneurs. Join the Tribe: https://rb.gy/0650g