“Embracing Change and Finding Inner Peace: The Power of Your Self-Love”

From Wounds to Wisdom: Embracing Change and Self-Love

Harsh Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readFeb 28, 2023


Photo by Admiral General M. on Pexels

People and things will eventually depart. Don’t become overly devoted to anything, because it can limit our ability to grow and adapt to changing circumstances.

Although memories can be very soothing and endearing at times, they can entice you to return to those times. It’s fine to return to those idyllic days now and then, but we should never stay there for too long.

That is why it is always best to live in the present while embracing past mistakes and using the lessons learned to build an incredible future for ourselves.

While it’s natural to have high expectations of people, it can be disheartening when they fall short, leaving us with deep wounds. But remember, you have the power within yourself to heal and grow stronger from these experiences.

You are your own best friend, and when you turn inward to seek the truths of the universe, you will find the strength and wisdom to overcome any obstacle and appreciate and cherish your own being.

Take time out of your busy schedule to meditate and connect with your inner self. Let this be a time of self-love, self-compassion, and self-discovery. With each breath, you can tap into your inner wisdom and intuition, and uncover the path forward that is uniquely yours.

Photo by Lukas Rychvalsky on Pexels

Your expectations have been broken at times, you don’t trust people easily, and you are frequently frightened to connect with someone. These are only fleeting emotions that everyone experiences. Don’t berate yourself for your mistakes. You’ve endured worse than this, so get up and start over. In these unsure times, you must be firm. Be your own best friend and embark on the journey to discover your best self.

The power of your mind is incredible, and it’s crucial to ensure that it is not controlled by anyone else. Train your mind to be resilient and impervious to external forces that try to trigger your emotions.

Through meditation, you can unlock the magic that lies within you and feels a sense of inner calm that radiates throughout your being.

As you cultivate a regular meditation practice, you will notice that thoughts of what others think of you become less important. You will come to understand that your inner peace and happiness are not dependent on external validation, and other people. And eventually, You will come to recognize that this feeling originates from an inexhaustible source deep within you, and this realization will make you love and value yourself even more.

You have the power to create your reality and live life on your own terms. So, take a moment each day to sit in stillness and connect with the universe within you. As you do, you will discover an endless well of strength and wisdom that will make you value and cherish your life.


When life throws challenges your way, remember that you have everything you need within yourself to overcome them. You are strong, resilient, and capable of creating the life you desire. Trust in yourself and the universe, and let your light shine bright for all to see the true genius that you are.

With a calm and focused mind, you can achieve anything you set your heart to.



Harsh Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

A writer by heart, as well as a lover of many things. I write from my heart to encourage others and help them find peace. Sprinkling kindness everywhere I go.