Even Hard Truths Have A Sunny Side

How to find peace — despite three of them

America Zed⚡
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Jared Verdi on Unsplash

Here are some hard personal truths that I have learned through life experience and would like to share with you.

1. Getting What You Want

Hard Truth:
No matter who you are and no matter how hard you try, sometimes you won’t be able to get something you really want in your lifetime, (not referring to material things). You can be the most dedicated person on the block, but it still won’t cut it. The older you get, the clearer this becomes.

Sometimes the thing you want has to remain ‘something you want’ in your mind. That isn’t to say you shouldn’t try hard for something that’s difficult to attain, it just means that the world is not designed to satisfy anyone personally and that it’s always good to check how far along you are in a process, so you can see when it’s better to quit trying and stop feeling disappointed.

On The Sunny Side: Firstly, you can be glad, grateful and proud that you desired anything positive in the first place. This might sound strange but, (all Buddhism aside), the fact that you desire something and imagine it in your life, proves that you have passion, vision and hope in your soul, which are wonderful and powerful qualities, and some people can’t even…



America Zed⚡
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Survivor. Optimist. Compassionate Soul ❤️ INSPIRATION / HELP ~ Top Writer in POETRY https://www.solaceforthesensitive.com 🦋