Existed in My Mind

Mental influence

Ogbebor Sarah
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Arun Anoop on Unsplash

Life is far larger and more complex than we realize.
I’ve unknowingly generated both blessings and barriers in my head.

Who would have believed that my mind was that powerful?

It has the potential to provide both rewards and challenges. Most problems could have been easily avoided if I had known how to genuinely manage my thoughts, but I’m glad anyhow.

Every time I have a mental fight or dispute with someone, it ends up manifesting in my reality.

I thought I was anticipating the future by overthinking things, but little did I know I was the mastermind behind these problems.

My mind clearly does not distinguish between what is imagined and what is real.

When I imagine things with emotions, it somehow manifests in my reality.
Most of the time, I picture a scenario or situation multiple times before it becomes a reality. Other times i envision it in my mind in an instant, and I nearly forget I ever envisioned anything like that, until it shows up in my reality.

All of this happened to me unknowingly, and I had no clue what I was doing.

When I realized that these things are all rules and that my thoughts creates my reality, my…



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