Feeling Behind In Life?

It Might Be Exactly What You Need

Natalya Permyakova
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readSep 12, 2024


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

You’re not alone in feeling like you’re stuck.

The constant barrage of other people’s success stories — new jobs, engagements, travel adventures — makes it seem like everyone else is speeding ahead while you’re barely moving.

But here’s the surprising truth: feeling behind might actually be a good thing.

In today’s world, we’re constantly being told to keep up with some invisible timeline. Graduate by 22, land the dream job by 25, get married by 30, buy a house — on and on it goes.

But who decided that’s the way it should be?

In 2024, life is anything but linear. People are switching careers later than ever, taking breaks to focus on mental health, or rediscovering passions they set aside long ago.

Feeling behind? Maybe that’s just your signal to stop running on someone else’s track and start carving your own.

Why You Feel This Way

Social media plays a huge role. When all you see is other people’s highlight reels, it’s easy to feel like you’re falling behind.

The truth? No one posts their failures.

You don’t see the rejections, the doubts, the lonely nights spent wondering what’s next. So you end up comparing your full story with their edited version.

Society also pushes us into these “life boxes.”

The idea that we all need to hit the same milestones at the same time is outdated. Some people thrive in their twenties; others don’t find their passion until their forties. There’s no right or wrong timeline anymore.

How to Turn It Around

First, realize that life today is full of twists and turns.

Careers aren’t as stable as they once were, relationships change, and the digital age offers endless opportunities. Feeling behind is often a sign that you’re ready for a shift — a realignment to what truly matters to you.

Here are a few practical steps you can take to break free:

  1. Unplug from the comparison game — Take a break from social media. Stop measuring yourself against others. You’ll be amazed at the clarity that comes when you’re not constantly comparing.
  2. Redefine success on your terms — What does success actually look like for you? Not what society expects. Maybe it’s starting your own business, traveling more, or even just making more time for yourself. Once you define it, small wins start to feel monumental.
  3. Start with micro-steps — It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Start by making small changes. Whether it’s learning a new skill, experimenting with a side hustle, or simply prioritizing self-care, every tiny win is progress.
  4. Use My Life Quest — it is a perfect tool to help you figure out your values, goals, and strategies. It offers a 10-step system that guides you through creating a personal roadmap, one that’s focused on your unique journey, not someone else’s.

By focusing on your path, you realize that feeling behind isn’t the problem. It’s a wake-up call to live more intentionally. You’re not falling behind — you’re evolving.

So, next time that nagging feeling creeps in, ask yourself: “Am I behind, or am I just at a different point in my story?” The answer might surprise you.



Natalya Permyakova
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Entrepreneur, writer, founder of mylifequest.io. I write about designing and living life on your terms.