Feeling Stuck In Life?

Take These Steps To Get Unstuck Now

Natalya Permyakova
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readSep 17, 2024


Photo by Lê Tân on Unsplash

You’re not alone if you feel like you’ve lost direction in life. Whether you’re 30, 40, or somewhere in between, it can seem like life has hit a dead end. Career, relationships, personal goals — they all feel like they’re drifting away. You’re left wondering, “Is this it?” If this sounds familiar, you’re probably stuck in one of the most common dilemmas of modern life.

In 2024, the pressure to “have it all figured out” is suffocating. Society tells us we need to hit certain milestones by specific ages, like locking down a successful career or starting a family. And in a world where endless options are thrown at you — career paths, lifestyles, even where to live — it’s no surprise that many of us feel paralyzed, unsure which direction to take.

But here’s the good news: being stuck isn’t the end. It’s a signal that something needs to change, and there are fresh, practical steps you can take to regain your sense of direction.

Step 1: Have a No-BS “Life Audit”

Instead of wrestling with these thoughts alone, grab a few close friends and have a brutally honest “life audit.” Sit down over coffee or wine and dive into real conversations about what’s working in your life and what’s not. Open up, challenge each other, and leave the small talk behind. You’d be surprised what clarity can come from hearing new perspectives on your situation.

Step 2: Shift Your Environment for Growth

Your surroundings impact your mindset more than you think. Rearranging your physical space — whether it’s your desk, your apartment, or your digital environment — can inject new energy into your life. Clear out the clutter, unsubscribe from draining accounts, and create an environment that supports growth, creativity, and clarity. Your space should inspire the version of yourself you want to become.

Step 3: Discover Your Ikigai — With a Twist

It’s time to go beyond surface-level reflection and find your Ikigai — your reason for being. To do this, think deeply about what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can get paid for. But don’t just reflect. Consider using My Life Quest, a tool that dives deep into these questions in a more structured way. It helps you unearth your true passions and purpose by offering step-by-step guidance.

Step 4: Simplify Your Life with a 30-Day Challenge

Decluttering your life doesn’t just clear space — it clears your mind. Try a 30-day minimalist challenge. Simplify your wardrobe, say no to unnecessary commitments, and remove distractions from your daily routine. This intentional reset gives you room to focus on the things that truly matter and can spark newfound clarity.

Step 5: Test-Drive Major Life Changes with the 3-Month Rule

If you’re stuck in analysis paralysis over a big decision, try the 3-Month Rule. Instead of committing to something long-term, give it a three-month test run. Whether it’s a new city, job, or lifestyle change, try it out without the pressure of forever. At the end of the three months, you’ll have real data on whether this path feels right for you.

Feeling stuck in life doesn’t mean you’re failing. It’s a sign that it’s time to explore new directions, test things out, and create your own path. And for those looking for a more guided approach to finding their way, My Life Quest is the ultimate solution. It’s a self-guided tool that helps you gain clarity, set your life vision, and start making strategic decisions aligned with your true self.

Start your journey today.



Natalya Permyakova
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Entrepreneur, writer, founder of mylifequest.io. I write about designing and living life on your terms.