Find Your Inner Peace and Mental Calm

It’s all in the long-game state of mind.

Allison Ditmer
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Man sitting on rocks in hiking attire and overlooking a gorgeous landscape with mountains and a lake.
Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

“I’m busy.”

I heard those two words repeated from multiple women tonight attending an event at my kids’ school.

I get it. I’m a mom, and I totally understand what they mean. It’s rare to have a day where there aren’t multiple things to do.

But a part of me also starts to think, is there anyone out there saying, “I’m calm”?

It’s sad when I think about it. Do you have to be stuck in this constant swirl of feeling like being busy is a given norm?

I have to believe that a calm state of mind is achievable.

Keeping a few things top of mind may help us get closer to feeling calmer in a culture that thrives on keeping us busy.

Develop a “long-game” state of mind.

A long game state of mind is having the big picture front and center in your perspective.

When you can remind yourself what your big picture cares about, some of this “busy work” can be discarded.

My big picture is being loved. I want to feel love, and I want to give love to those closest to me.



Allison Ditmer
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Writer, Freelancer, & Organic Traffic Advocate / I like to write about my freelance life and work-life blend. Contact me: