Five Ways to Easily Increase Your Protein Intake for Weight Loss

These practical guidelines make it easy to include more protein in your diet.

Ange Dim
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


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Although protein is a vital nutrient for those who want to lose weight and build muscle, it’s often unclear how much one should eat or whether one is eating enough.

Increasing protein in all meals is an unknown for most people.

In this scientifically-backed post, I will delve into the impact of protein on satiety and metabolism, addressing common concerns such as constipation from high-protein diets.

I will also explore how to adhere to a 1200-calorie diet that’s high in protein.

Many people may need more calories daily, but a caloric deficit starting point resonates with most people. The protein quality and balance of macronutrients in a high-protein diet are also important.

Whether you’re a dedicated fitness enthusiast or simply aiming to shed a few pounds, this article is tailored to equip you with the knowledge to incorporate protein into your diet effectively.

Let’s embark on this journey to understand the power of protein in weight loss.



Ange Dim
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Multi-passionate creative who's immersed in health, wellness, exercise and loves creating healthy recipes. Low carb Recipes: