Flexibility: An Essential Ingredient for Spiritual Growth and Overall Happiness

It’s about flowing with life.

David Gerken
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

Let me start by saying that I’m the least flexible human being alive. Not only can I not lean over and touch my toes. I can barely go past my knees. But that’s physical flexibility.

For much of my existence I was also inflexible in the area that truly matters: living my life. Now I’ve realized that spiritual growth depends on being flexible.

What I mean by flexible

First, let’s talk about what I mean be flexible, though I’m sure you have a feel for it. Flexible in small ways would be telling your three friends that you’re okay with Mexican or Italian for dinner.

In bigger ways, it would be planning to move your young family from New York to Los Angeles in the summer of 2020…Then COVID hits in March and your plans are quashed.

But you don’t freak out. You regroup and make other plans. You’re flexible.

The opposite: rigidity

As usual, we gain a deeper understanding of flexibility by exploring its opposite: Rigidity. Inflexibility.

We all know people like this. People who pride themselves on “standing their ground.” In other words…



David Gerken
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Meditation and Mindfulness teacher. Dad of three precious kids. Former writer for THE WEST WING. Follow me at davidgerken.net.