Follow the Principles of a Very Lazy Morning Routine That Is Guaranteed to Boost Your Productivity

And 4 non-brainer morning habits that you can automate easily.

Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


A woman hiding under the sheet.
Image by Victoria_Watercolor from Pixabay

Mornings are hectic, fast, and mostly fleeting. It’s an achievement if you can find time to sip your coffee with ease.

You lose the most important part of the day because of haste. The hurry to get on with work before it has even begun will kill your productivity.

Responsibilities of family and work push you to get ahead of the day.
It’s difficult to even spare a few minutes for yourself in the morning, but it’s necessary if you wish to have a productive day.

A morning routine helps you set the tone for the day. So, follow these tips to form the world’s easiest morning routine.

Practice intermittent thinking every morning

A decision-fueled morning will wreck your productivity from the get-go. It will tax your mind with decision fatigue in the early hours.

You need to make thousands of decisions in the next sixteen hours, a tired mind will hamper your decision-making and productivity.



Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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