Forget Being Perfect, Start Being Remarkable

I’m guilty of it, you’re guilty of it too, so we need to talk about it

Change Your Mind Change Your Life
5 min readNov 15, 2023


Zohvib. Embracing Authenticity: How to Be Remarkable Instead of Perfect
Image by Amir Arabshahi from Pixabay

“Why chase perfection when it’s the unique flaws that make us truly remarkable?”

This question challenges the age-old pursuit of flawless perfection, urging us to embrace a more authentic, impactful path.

Leonardo da Vinci once said,

“Art is never finished, only abandoned.”

This isn’t a call to mediocrity but a profound insight into the beauty of progress over perfection.

In our quest for the unattainable ideal of perfection, we often lose sight of the extraordinary potential of being truly remarkable.

Let’s embark on a journey to understand why being remarkable isn’t just a choice, but an inspiring necessity in a world obsessed with the perfect.

The Paralysis of Perfection

Have you ever been caught in the relentless pursuit of perfecting something, only to find yourself stuck in a perpetual loop of dissatisfaction?

This is the paralysis of perfection.

It’s a state where the fear of imperfection hinders progress, stifles creativity, and dims the spark of innovation.

