Four Questions to Create A Relationship Vision Statement

Simple, direct, and focused conversations help couples find their motto together.


Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Creating a relationship vision statement is an important early step in planning for your future together. Every relationship experiences ups and downs. When you can connect through experiences you can build a healthier bond.

A vision statement is like a template for the ultimate unity or purpose of your togetherness.

Once you both have an idea of what you want your relationship roadmap to entail, you can share and then blend the two concepts into one. As you unite, you’ll discover a common thread to your vision.

The Brene Brown defines a vision statement as any written or verbal expression of an individual’s or group’s hopes, dreams, desires, and/or plans for the future. What better way to communicate long-term goals than by creating a Relationship Vision Statement?

Vision statements provide a roadmap to your success as a couple. The process includes investigation of one’s values, beliefs, and goals. These combined with a view of the world embeds a delicate sense of meaning, or purpose for your relationship.

Values are areas, focus, or ideas we have accepted into life from a young age…



Pamela J. Nikodem, MSED
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

❤ Positive-focused Motivational Speaker❤ Writer ❤ Domestic Violence Educator @ ❤ Catch the Spark❤ Counselor ❤ Relationships ❤